

●Date: Saturday, 21st February, 2009.

●Weather: Tolerable. Typical winter in Taipei

●Time: Around 8-9pm, after having dinner at Alleycat’s Pizza Lishui and window-shopping at Yongkang Street and NET. Watched Michael Jackson’s live concert clips in front of a CD store

●Venue: Grass slope by the Grand Stage, Daan Park, aka the place of our first kiss (yes, the one happened at the team picnic set up by my dearest colleagues)

●Dress Code: Non. Both wore super casual T-shirts, jackets, and jeans.

●Look: Max brought a super huge military backpack. Unusual and super ugly. Me had some giant acne on cheek. Unusual and ugly as well.

(Walking at the park for digestion)
Lan: Why you bring a huge bag? What’s inside?
Max: Errr…I have important things to do later…
Lan: What is it?
Max: %*!*!#^*
Lan: I want to see your bag! Let me see! (Grabbing)
Max: No! (Resisting)
(A series of wrestling)
Max: Would you please stop it! Let’s discuss something else. (Dropped the bag on the grass)
Max: Your ring is really ugly. (Taking off the ring I wore on my ring finger, which was bought from roadside)
Let me give you a new one! (Taking out a shinny diamond ring from jeans pocket)
Will you marry me?

*0.55 carat engagement ring bought from Hongji Jewelry, along with its teddy bear ring box
*A bottle of Deinhard Rose’ sparkling wine (have not opened yet)
*Half bottle of small white wine taken from airplane (The Bangkok trip)
*A vest of “Volunteers for Ministry of Foreign Affairs” (Max: Will you be my volunteer for MOFA?)
*Max’s Casio camera (Took some photos, but the camera was left on the bench eventually. Never been found)
*No crowds, no flowers, no romantic candle light dinner, no soft music. Just two silly but excited lovers

●Next Steps:
While drinking the prepared wine to celebrate our engagement on a bench, we thought about how to inform my parents about this since they had no ideas that we have been planning to get married. Max decided to go home with me to talk to them immediately, even it has already passed 11pm when arrived home. Dad was listening to his classical music at the living room. Mom was in her room playing online game.

Max and I were very nervous, so we decided to consult my brother. Unfortunately, it was a mistake because he was a bit shocked and did not know what to do. He shut the door right after we went out of his room. We knew that we have to talk to my parents directly and determinedly!

Mom and Dad were so happy. They even began to discuss about details of the wedding.

Voila! We are getting married.

My Engagement Ring


Copyright @ Lan Chang